Often enough we have interesting requests to take on strange or bespoke projects, one of which was this roundhouse. Built in the grounds of a school in Toxteth, Liverpool as an additional teaching area with the help of volunteers and school children.
Clearing and selecting timber in the woodland.
Round timber sourced and back at base.
Setting out and digging the post holes.
De-barking the logs.
Cutting logs to length.
Charring the log ends on the fire to prevent rotting.
Posts in place beginning to fit the wall plate.
Cutting the half lap joints on the wall plate sections.
Wall plate complete, time for purlins.
Boring the pin holes by hand.
Driving in the giant nails or pins.
Roof purlins nearly done.
All the timber frame complete ready for roofing
Roof joists being fitted and fixed.
Roof battens going on.
Joe nailing cedar shingles
The shingled roof from below before trimming.
Roundhouse complete with cedar shingle roof.
Completed shingle roof on the roundhouse looking towards the nature area. cob and cordwood walls made by the school children using the off cuts from the frame.